Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hotel Living!

Yeah, that's right. I am the only dog I know with room service.

I got to go to Anchorage and stay in a hotel! I was not too sure what I thought of it at first. Had to go and check everything out.

Lots of stuff going on out on the street. People thinking they could walk right by me on the sidewalk, and outrageous things like that without me barking at them. Not gonna happen.
Even in the room, I was watching my territory. The parking lot is safe with me on duty!
I was a bit worried about my everyday comforts. But turns out, my food and food dish came along. Phew.
I liked rolling around on the bed, but Mom didn't really want me to eat the bedspread. Spoilsport.
I was starting to get bored, but then they turned on Clifford. I love me some big red dog. If I was barking at him it was only in a friendly me-d0g-you-d0g-too kind of way. If I woke up other people in the hotel, well it was time for them to get up and watch cartoons anyway.
One of my favorite things was trying to wake up Penelope in the morning.
I said tried!
Oh well, if you can't beat them, join them I always say.
Can you guys run down to breakfast and bring us back some bacon?!?


Pam said...

Aw fun!!!!!!

Spencer has ruined 2 of our comforters and managed to sneak a hole into the current one. What is it with corgis and comforters? LOL! Spencer likes to wake me up and cuddle too. In that order.

Janet said...

WOW--- Dandi has gotten so big! And, cute as ever alongside those girls. Thanks for keeping us up to date on all of her adventures!