The weirdest thing happened this week. I am still trying to figure it out! The lawn outside my door just disappeared. I mean, its gone Baby! I went to bed one night with it all nice and green outside like normal. I know because I chased Pluto all over it, and the horses were out grazing on it, (and of course I chased them too!)
Then, in the let me out the door and WHOA....I stopped in shock! Everything was white and WEIRD. Cold too. Kind of fluffy and it melted on my nose when I breathed on it. I took a few steps, and it left tracks! And it moved under my feet! I tried to chase a few flakes, and it moved even more. So I ran around and around trying to get it all and trying to make it stop moving. It was actually pretty fun, and I didn't want to stop playing at all. When I got tired and layed down, my belly felt like I was laying on a bunch of icecream. So I jumped up and it all started again with the chasing, running, melting, breathing, until I was one wet tired pup.
When I headed inside, another surprise! Mom put a gate up so that now I have to stop and wipe my paws and get all dried off before I can go into the rest of the house. Sheeesh. Doncha like big snowballs all over the living room, making puddles for you to get wet socks in? (Mom hates hates hates wet socks)
Its going to be a fun winter for me, and a looooooong winter for her.