Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Me and Charlotte

The rumors are true. If you heard that another dog has invaded my perfect world, sadly, its confirmed. Its even CUTE and a GIRL. Not cuter than me, but still...enough to be threatening. I am currently at work on a plot to drive her far from here, but in the meantime I might as well play with her a bit.

She's so annoying. Not the least bit fun. I avoid her as much as possible. Honest.

Charlotttttttttttttttttte, can you come and play with me?????

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dandelion Litzen | A Dog Named Christmas

Dandelion Litzen | A Dog Named Christmas

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Popping In!

Hi, Its me, Dandi. I know I have been a bit busy and sloggy about blogging lately, but its summertime! I have been spending my time chasing mini horses, cats, mice, birdies, and whatever else moves and breathes. Its a full time job!

I was out hopping around the yard, as usual, when I noticed Mom trying to take some portraits of Penelope, out in the daisies. I could see my work was cut out for me. I had to run over there, trample some flowers, get in the way, and somehow completely turn her attention to me for awhile.

As you can see, the whole thing turned into a "oh Dandelion, you are so cute and I must take your picture, now hold still and I will give you a puppy treat" kind of deal. Mission accomplished.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter!

Can you tell how much I am loving these STUPID ears??? If I had to go out in public, I'd never be able to hold my head (or real ears) up again.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

My First Dog Show

Can you believe I was in a dog show? I wasn't too nervous, but my mom sure was. We took a long ride to Anchorage..but I'm used to being in my crate and I like road trips! I never make a peep, but I like to stop and get out now and then, and play in the snow.
When we got to Anchorage, we went to a Bed and Breakfast. I thought bed meant Mom's bed, but it didn't..and I thought breakfast meant I could snack on the owner's cats, but it didn't.
So I was a good girl. Mom had to carry me up and down the stairs to our room downstairs, but other than that it was a very nice and cozy place. My crate fit nicely right in the closet!
We got up super early for the show. Mom didn't want to hand me over to the groomers, so she had already taken me to the dog wash, and to my own nice vet for toenail clipping. I think I looked pretty shiny and pretty! We drove downtown and went into this HUGE building! I'm not a real spooky dog, but I decided I wanted to hang close to mom for a bit. I mean, there must have been 500 dogs there. And the sound of (shudder) blow dryers going like mad!
Phew. Then we spotted our Corgi group from our town. I was happy to see my buddies! Mom walked me all over the whole big room, so I could get used to what was going on. It was kind of loud, but I like to be loud so that was okay with me. Mom washed my feet and put white powder on them. She did NOT use the blow I was plenty happy about that. She checked my teeth and my ears, and put a show leash on me. Then we waited and waited.
Finally our turn came for class. The judge was really nice to me, and when it was my turn on the table I tried to hold still for her but I think I wiggled a bit anyway. She still liked me! She gave my mom a blue ribbon, and then later in another class, a PURPLE one! I like purple, but nobody would let me eat it. Hey, I won it, right?
So thats what a dog show is all about. I guess if mom wants to, we can do it again someday. I'm up for anything that involves treats, buddies, and toys in my crate!

My First Dog Show

Can you believe I was in a dog show? I wasn't too nervous, but my mom sure was. We took a long ride to Anchorage..but I'm used to being in my crate and I like road trips! I never make a peep, but I like to stop and get out now and then, and play in the snow.
When we got to Anchorage, we went to a Bed and Breakfast. I thought bed meant Mom's bed, but it didn't..and I thought breakfast meant I could snack on the owner's cats, but it didn't.
So I was a good girl. Mom had to carry me up and down the stairs to our room downstairs, but other than that it was a very nice and cozy place. My crate fit nicely right in the closet!
We got up super early for the show. Mom didn't want to hand me over to the groomers, so she had already taken me to the dog wash, and to my own nice vet for toenail clipping. I think I looked pretty shiny and pretty! We drove downtown and went into this HUGE building! I'm not a real spooky dog, but I decided I wanted to hang close to mom for a bit. I mean, there must have been 500 dogs there. And the sound of (shudder) blow dryers going like mad!
Phew. Then we spotted our Corgi group from our town. I was happy to see my buddies! Mom walked me all over the whole big room, so I could get used to what was going on. It was kind of loud, but I like to be loud so that was okay with me. Mom washed my feet and put white powder on them. She did NOT use the blow I was plenty happy about that. She checked my teeth and my ears, and put a show leash on me. Then we waited and waited.
Finally our turn came for class. The judge was really nice to me, and when it was my turn on the table I tried to hold still for her but I think I wiggled a bit anyway. She still liked me! She gave my mom a blue ribbon, and then later in another class, a PURPLE one! I like purple, but nobody would let me eat it. Hey, I won it, right?
So thats what a dog show is all about. I guess if mom wants to, we can do it again someday. I'm up for anything that involves treats, buddies, and toys in my crate!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My New Year's Resolutions

1. Catch the cats. At least one of them. The smart aleck one, preferably.
2. Always get more attention that Pluto. If he is being petted, ease up next to the petter, looking cute and pathetic, then position my body between the Terrier and the Human. Human must immediately transfer hand or foot to my body. Pouting Terrier is a plus.
3. Learn to bark louder than the neighbor dogs. I really try, but all I have is this girlish little "woofey" kind of bark. Darn Golden Retrievers...
4. Find out what is at the top of the stairs. I have really been thinking about making a break for it, but the MONSTER aka squirt bottle might get me!
5. Ride in the car WITHOUT being in my crate. I really think I could drive the car, if they would let me. It doesn't look that hard. At the very least, I could hand out some excellent advice.
6. Get french fries at McDonald's drive-through. My Aunt's cousin's friend's babysitter's dog told me she gets french fries every time. Its not fair. Of course she also told me that she barks at bank tellers just IN CASE they might have french fries. So she is kind of stupid..AND spoiled.
7. Master agility. By that I do not mean to correctly approach and go through each obstacle as taught. No way, baby. I mean to find a way to go AROUND each item, and STILL GET THE TREAT. I have done it a few times, and man, its a hoot. Everyone goes crazy trying to catch you or get the treat before you get to it.
8. Eat more toys. Not more dog toys. Just more toys in general. Barbies, Lincoln Logs(tasty!), doll clothes, I'm not too picky.
9. Stop getting sent out of the room at meal time. Everything smells SOOOO good, I just want to get any crumbs they might drop. C'mon..its just crumbs. Its not even a helping, for Pete's sake. I lay quietly and patiently at the kitchen entrance the entire time they are cooking it, wouldn't you think I could at least sit and drool at their feet while they are eating it?
10. Be braver about watching movies. Pluto is so brave, he can sleep through explosions, gun shots, dogs barking (that one really gets me), people shouting, cars racing, etc while my people watch a movie. Me? I leap around like a crazy rabbit, hide under feet, race in and out of the room, and sometimes bark and whine. Movies drive me a bit nutty. I want to be brave like Pluto. Actually, I want to be the one choosing the movies..but that's for another list of goals. I'd choose all movies where dogs chase cats, get cats, and maybe eat cats. Or just nibble on them. Now, THERE'S a good movie....